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Product Owner

Short Tip: The team member responsible for decisions about the product’s features.

What is it?

Also known as P.O., the Product Owner is the person responsible for defining what product requirements should be implemented.

To that end, the P.O. must be constantly in contact with the product’s target audience; in an agile team, the person in this role represents the user’s and the customer’s voice.

Ideally, the P.O. should know the business’ domain, in addition to having minimal technical knowledge in order to allow an effective communication with the development team.

As also defined in the  Scrum guide, the P.O. should be one single person, not a committee. This prevents noise caused by inconsistent decisions about the product.


The two main duties of a Product Owner are:

  • Maximizing the value of the product to be built;
  • Keeping the Product Backlog updated, ordered and clearly communicated to the development teams.

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